[slider width=”600″ height=”300″ nav=”tabs” tabs=”About Life Span, Latest News, Services, Support Us” transition=”slide” style=”white” circular=”yes” autoplay=”7000″]
Life Span
Mission Statement
Life Span is an organization committed to the cessation of domestic violence and sexual assault and to the immediate relief of those who suffer from its consequences.
[button3 link=”https://stage2.life-span.org/about”] Read More About Life Span [/button3]
Half Marathon Run for Life Span
Natalie Kempa and Stacy Bayner will be running in the Spring Half Marathon on May 20, 2012 in Schaumburg. All the money raised will go toward helping Life Span continue to provide education, counseling and legal support that will change lives for the better.
[button2 link=”https://www.wepay.com/donations/145199″ target=”_blank”]Support Natalie, Stacy, and Life Span[/button2]
Life Span Services
Victim Safety, Perpetrator Accountability, & Client Empowerment
Life Span Center for Legal Service and Advocacy provides legal civil representation, information, and advice to victims of domestic violence or sexual assault. Individuals may contact us for legal advice, information about their rights under the law, and to gain an understanding about their options and legal remedies provided under the law.
Serving Clients & Agencies
Some of Our Services Include:
- Legal Services
- Individual parent and child counseling
- Violence prevention programming within high schools, elementary schools, and early childhood programs
- Community Education
- Agency Consultation
[button3 link=”https://stage2.life-span.org/services”] Read More About Our Services [/button3]
Support Life Span
Life Span Center for Legal Services and Advocacy relies on the generosity of individuals, foundations, and corporations to support our programming. We sincerely appreciate all of your donations and volunteer assistance. Thank you.
[big_button link=”https://www.facebook.com/LifeSpanIL?sk=app_2318966938″ target=”blank” tooltip=”Donate to Life Span.” color=”6C4181″] Donate Now! [/big_button]
Volunteer For Life Span
Life Span has several volunteer positions available throughout the year. If you’re interested in helping Life Span through volunteer work, please check out our openings.
[button3 link=”https://stage2.life-span.org/jobs”] Current Openings [/button3]
Support Our Cause By Making A Donation
[quote]Your donation is more than a tax write off. With your help, Life Span can provide education, counseling and legal support that will change lives for the better.[/quote]
Computer Safety
If you think your activities are being monitored, they probably are. If you are in danger, please try to use a safe computer that someone abusive does not have direct or remote (hacking) access to.
Learn how an abuser can find out about your internet activities.
Domestic Violence
What is Abuse?
Order of Protection
What is it? How do I obtain one?
Life Span’s Sexual Assault Project…how we can help.
What is Sexual Assault?
Services for Survivors of Sexual Assault
Latest News About Life Span
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