Life Span’s groundbreaking “Custody Evaluation and Domestic Violence: Toward Best Practices Symposium” on March 12, 2015 was a success! Our Executive Director, Denice Wolf Markham and Domestic Relations Presiding Judge, Grace Dickler, lead the list of the Chicago-area’s most knowledgeable and experienced judges, family law attorneys, forensics psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers who were in attendance and delivered presentations.
Denice Wolf Markham, Executive Director of Life Span, delivers Symposium Welcome Address.
Judge Dickler discusses Custody Evaluation in the Domestic Relations Division.
Dr. Beth Wilner’s plenary address, Domestic Violence in the Context of the Custody Evaluation.
Margaret Luft, presents The Traumatic Effects of Domestic Violence. This session identifies the effects of long term trauma, and outlook for the parent victim and child witnesses of abuse.
The Immigrant Family: The Role of Culture and Language. Panelists from Arab American Family Services, Apna Ghar, Life Span, and Lanetta Haynes Turner, ED of the Cook County Justice Advisory Council examine the cultural norms and language that may affect the immigrant family’s custody evaluation and share insights on how the evaluator can address these issues.
A resounding THANK YOU to Amy Fox, Deputy Executive Director of Life Span and Symposium coordinator for her help in making this a successful event!
Forensic Evaluator Barbara Palmer, and Legal Assistance Foundation attorney Kathryn Socha led a presentation on Domestic Violence Advocacy with Custody Evaluators.
Stacey Platt, panelist on The Interface Between Evaluators and Child’s Reps.
The Honorable David Haracz (left) participated as panelist for breakout session: The Use of Evaluations in Custody Determinations: What do Judges Want to Know From Evaluators? Judge Haracz is Associate Judge in the Domestic Relations Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County.
Life Span Director of Legal Services Djuana O’Connor Oshin, JD (rear/right) moderated a panel discussion examining The Interface between Evaluators and Child’s Reps.